Monday, March 5, 2007


I made up a new word: Allitopoeia. It is a portmanteau, although apparently that word has been eliminated from common usage, such morphemes are now called "blends".

A portmanteau or blend is a word that combines the sounds and meanings of two different words. An example would be spork, which is a spoon and fork combo that is used in camping. Another example is cyborg, a blend of the words cybernetic and organism.

I came up with the word the other day and I figured I should post this to make a record of it, although I think the average readership of my blog is similar to the surveyed average of the 1,000,000+ blogs out there: the blogger themselves.

I coined the word Allitopoeia to describe words that sound like they are spelled and also have a repetitive sound to them. Some examples:

ping pong
splish splash
beep beep
blah blah blah
yadda yadda yadda

Now I have to find out how to get this word registered to me, then the royalty cheques start coming in!

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