Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Appraisal Groupies

OK, so this is the first time anyone has said this to me at a property. I was appraising the Esso/Tim Horton's in Brookfield (near Truro). After I was done, I went in to the Tim's to get a hot chocolate as it was pretty cold outside. While I was waiting for my drink, one of the Tim's girls asked me if I was an appraiser. I guess she looked at my coat with Kempton Appraisals Limited on it -- no snarky comments! I answered that I was an appraiser and she responded sincerely(!), "Cool! How do you become an appraiser? Do you have to go to a special school?" I answered no, and then listed some of the qualifications to become an appraiser. By this time a couple of the other workers joined in the conversation and they were pretty impressed at the depth of knowledge one needs to be an appraiser. If I didn't know better, I wouldn't believe their reaction, but this was a pretty laid-back place and I think they were actually impressed. Maybe this girl sees it as a way to get out of Brookfield. Not exactly Hollywood, but maybe Halifax is a big city to her. I guess there's a first time for everything. It made me feel pretty good about myself, which is nice considering some of the clients we have had lately.

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