Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Rainmen are looking for a few good men

The Rainmen are going through some growing pains, signing and releasing players in an effort to strengthen their team's weak spots (such as a power forward other than Eric Crookshanks).

With so many of the other teams in the ABA folding, there must be some castaway talent from these defunct ABA teams. Having said that, I saw ex-SMU player Brian Thompson in line to get some food at the game last night. Although he is older than Benoite, he was the man back in the day: on the AUAA all-star team, AUAA MVP and CIAU all star team over a 4 year period. If Vinny Testeverde can play for over 20 years, why can’t we get some local university alumni to jump in and play relief for the Rainmen?

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