Sunday, May 8, 2011

10 kilometres, 1:01:08

Knocked off a whole 7 seconds from last Saturday's run, but I wasn't feeling the run today (versus last week when I was up for the run). I camped with my Cub pack last night -- yes, in the rain! -- so I was less-than-energetic today. I did the first 5 kilometres in slightly under 30:00 but the stretch from 6 km to 8 km was tough with a few uphills and I wasn't feeling the love. Still, I sprinted the last 300 metres and managed to have a 6:00 final kilometre.

This run shows that even though you don't always feel like running, you can still have a decent result. I am glad I went out today and it was a "big picture" run for me, meaning that this run was a small piece of the "big picture" of training for the Bluenose as well as getting back to better health, rather than a huge accomplishment in and of itself.

Keep putting one foot in front of the other!

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