Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Top 10 Tracy Jordan lines from 30 Rock

Thanks to Unlikely Words for coming up with this idea and for cataloging all of Tracy's lines from Season 3 of 30 Rock. If you are one of the few who hasn't seen 30 Rock, stop what you are doing -- after you finish reading this post -- and go buy the DVD's. I know, that's so 1900's of me...

Thanks also go out to Jason & Alex at one of my new favourite websites, Huffington Post.

Tracy's lines are often non-sequiturs, which makes them strangely "had-to-be-there" moments, but most of them are just funny.

In episode chronological order:

1. “You’re going to sue me? Who do you think you are, the San Diego zoo?”

“You can’t sue me, I’m already being sued. Double indemnity!”

The first one is actually a two-fer. The first because what could have happened at the zoo so that he is being sued? Second, his trademark idiocy is just too funny. Double indemnity! Ha!

2.“Do you know who I am? Seriously, please, tell me who I am.”

This takes me back to the days (you know, like a year ago) when Tracy Morgan was in the public eye for doing some pretty wacky, messed up stuff, to the point that I wasn't sure if it was real, and Tracy was vying for Andy Dick's spot in the dead pool, or if it was a clever marketing ploy to boost 30 Rock. I am still not sure...

3. “I watched Boston Legal 9 times before I realized it wasn’t a new Star Trek.”

This is the funniest reference to Shatner in recent memory. Bill really chews up the screen and only has one acting gear: overdrive.

4. "It’s like an owl without a graduation cap. Heartbreaking!”

This one makes you think for a second to get the reference, like most of Tracy Jordan's one-liners, then you think of how ridiculous it is as a reference. Awesome!

5. “I went out with the interns. Those white boys are not kidding around. Have you ever tasted scotch? It’s terrible! And this thing they call ‘box seats at the Ranger’s game,’ it’s so cold. And what is Rohyphnal?” He is then told what Rohypnal is, “So I shouldn’t have taken 2 of them for my headache?"

Replace "interns" with "frat boys" and a lot of memories come flooding back... except for the roofies. I love the follow up line about taking 2 for his headache.

6. “Yes, I found it on my favorite website.”

If this isn't a real site, it should be.

7. "I’m not an expert, but I do have a strong opinion."

Is that Tracy Jordan talking, or is it me?

8. “Um, my work has taken me there. I was supposed to be in that movie Rush Hour, but two weeks into shooting, I was replaced by Jackie Chan.”

Text doesn't give us the timing that Tracy Jordan has nailed on this line. We all think he is going to say Chris Tucker, the black comedian, but no, he goes the other way. Well played, sir!

9. “Devil’s avocado here, Larry. I think people should freak the geek out. Withdraw all your money and hide it.”

Playing the "Devil's avocado"! I love it! That is definitely going into my everyday speech.

10. In response to Jack Donaghy telling him, "That's easy for you to say," Tracy responds with, "“No it wasn’t. I struggled through that sentence."

An old joke, but Tracy Morgan nails it!

There are many more 30 Rock jokes to choose from, since Tina Fey (Liz Lemon), Alec Baldwin (Jack Donaghy) and Jack McBrayer (Kenneth Parcell) all have great lines and they all do a fantastic job with their roles, but these are my favourites from Tracy Morgan/Jordan in Season 3.

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